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Keeping Your Home’s Exterior Sanitized During COVID-19

With the introduction of COVID-19 earlier this year, many aspects of our daily lives have changed. While many precautions are already in effect for local businesses to keep buildings sanitized for customers; you can also take steps to prevent the spread of the virus by sanitizing your home. Your home's exterior can become a breeding ground for mold, mildew, bacteria, and other pathogens if not regularly sanitized. Luckily, many sanitizing solutions can be used with pressure washers to help prevent pathogens from sticking to your home's exterior. Learn more about why Aarron's Pressure Washing recommends using pressure washing sanitizers to disinfect your home during the pandemic.

Although sanitizing and disinfecting have always been important, now more than ever it is essential to take preventative measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. Well respected for its ability to clean dirt and grime off of exterior surfaces, pressure washing is also an effective way to sanitize the outside of your home. Using disinfecting active ingredients, pressure washing has been shown to kill up to 99% of germs detected on the exterior surfaces of homes. Most pressure can reach up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, making it a fast and effective way to sanitize your home with ease.

While we tend to take many precautionary measures directly tied to our bodies such as washing our hands, wearing a mask, or using sanitizer; it is important to remember to sanitize surfaces that you come in contact with on a daily basis. By using a Jacksonville Pressure Washing company such as Aarron's Pressure Washing, you can also make sure that hard to reach surfaces are also clean. Sanitizing solution combined with pressurized heated water makes for a great combination to eliminate unwanted bacteria from your home without having to worry about missing any surface areas.

It can be easy to let preventative measures slip through the cracks when you are a homeowner. With COVID-19 cases on the rise in Florida however, we urge Jacksonville homeowners to take sanitizing their homes seriously to prevent the spread of the virus. Serving the local area for many years, Aarron's Pressure Washing considers the Jacksonville and surrounding area our home as much as our customers. Together we can prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus by sanitizing ourselves as well as the surfaces that we encounter.

Are you ready to sanitize your home and stop the spread of COVID-19? Let Aarron's Pressure Washing help with that! For more information on sanitizing solutions, pressure washing services, or a free estimate; contact us today. Our friendly staff would be happy to help explain the procedures for our sanitizing services and how Aarron's provides no contact services during the pandemic. The safety of your home is not something that you should let fall to the back burner. Get started today on sanitizing your home and cleaning off any stains on the exterior of your home. Not only will your home look great, but you can rest assured that it is safe too.



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